

A/B testing to optimize the marketing strategy

A/B testing is an alternative to maximize traffic and open rate. It is a reliable scientific tool to guide marketing teams in choosing their approach. A/B testing has economic advantages in the face of the increasing cost of advertisements. But what is the principle of A/B testing ? And how does it  work? What is AB

A/B testing to optimize the marketing strategy Lire la suite »

Integrate content curation into your web marketing strategy

Content curation is a practice that improves your traffic through the integration of interesting content for your community. Indeed, it makes it possible to mix information and concentrate it in quality content. But what is content curation really about? Does it replace content marketing? What are its prerogatives? Overview of content curation. What is content

Integrate content curation into your web marketing strategy Lire la suite »

E-mailing and newsletter: the secrets to make them impactful

The digital marketing of a company relies on various techniques to achieve the communication and commercial objectives set by it. The most popular are probably video advertising and social networks. Still, emails haven’t lost their interest yet. Here, it’s no longer just a matter of writing a generic email in which you tout the benefits

E-mailing and newsletter: the secrets to make them impactful Lire la suite »

Develop your Web marketing strategy by the CMS

In the digital age, marketing strategy now involves the development of Inboud marketing. This technique consists of attracting customers via the content of its website. In this field, competition is strong. To impose its brand within this jungle, the use of a CMS is a necessity. In this article, we will address this theme. What

Develop your Web marketing strategy by the CMS Lire la suite »

How to write a perfect business plan?

Recently, studies have revealed that 70% of entrepreneurs recommend writing a business plan before starting a company. Indeed, when properly exploited, it represents a powerful strategic tool that will serve as a benchmark for your business. Currently, future business owners tend to minimize the usefulness of a business plan in their projects. Indeed, one entrepreneur

How to write a perfect business plan? Lire la suite »

How to perfect your operational planning?

Having a solid operational plan in place can ensure the success of a project, especially at the team level. It is a necessary tool to achieve the goals you have defined in a strategy. A successful business plan is based on adhering to one crucial rule: « focus on the most important goals. » Indeed, you need

How to perfect your operational planning? Lire la suite »

How to set up an effective blogging strategy?

More than half of Internet users consult blogs. Brands are required to offer substantial content marketing to deal with this reality. To succeed a blog, different parameters must be respected. In this article, we’ll look at how to use blogging smartly to stand out. What is a blog? Blogging comes from the English term Weblog

How to set up an effective blogging strategy? Lire la suite »

How to run an inbound marketing campaign?

Since the arrival of the web, the behavior of the buyer has changed. He consults a significant amount of information before making a purchase decision. It is necessary to adapt the marketing strategy to this change. It is this digital strategy that is called « inbound marketing ». This concept was born in the United States. But

How to run an inbound marketing campaign? Lire la suite »

How to make an effective competitive intelligence?

Competitive intelligence is a strategic device that allows you to indicate a demarcation tactic for your business. It consists of monitoring several elements that concern competition. This initiative allows us to stay one step ahead and offer better. In this article, we will focus on this topic. What is competitive intelligence? What are the steps

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What is a benchmark?

Meta description : benchmarking helps you guide your strategies to achieve your goals. It is about capturing good practices in various sectors, to adapt them in your process by bringing an innovative touch. The benchmark is used to improve your action plan decision-making. It allows you to measure the performance of your company on all aspects.

What is a benchmark? Lire la suite »

Implement an Account Based Marketing strategy

Not all digital marketing techniques generate the same results when it comes to qualifying leads. To channel efforts, why not select leads that have strong potential upstream? This is the challenge of Account Based Marketing (ABM). In this article, we propose to understand how ABM works and benefits for your business. What is Account Based

Implement an Account Based Marketing strategy Lire la suite »

B2B prospecting and prospecting plan: what are the productive approaches?

The goal of B2B business prospecting is to find new customers. It has therefore been necessary to develop several techniques over the years. However, each available technique corresponds to a specific context . You will not be able to use wrongly through, at the risk of not convincing your target. In order to optimize your

B2B prospecting and prospecting plan: what are the productive approaches? Lire la suite »

Lead generation: what does it consist of? And how to implement an effective strategy?

Lead generation is an important component of the prospecting process and ideally conversion. This is the first step in the buying cycle. It allows you to broaden the scope of your market. So what does it consist of? And what process should be adopted to generate more leads? What is lead generation? It is a

Lead generation: what does it consist of? And how to implement an effective strategy? Lire la suite »

Commercial prospecting: software guaranteeing its effectiveness

To increase your company’s revenue, adopting a business strategy is essential. Prospecting is a crucial step in this strategy. It is a job that requires organization. To ensure an effective layout, you need the right tools. These are the prospecting software. What is prospecting software? A prospecting software is a tool that assists you in

Commercial prospecting: software guaranteeing its effectiveness Lire la suite »

Do you know the essential tools for digital prospecting?

One of the stages of marketing is prospecting. Prospecting is about looking for customers and encouraging them to buy your products or services. Traditionally, it is the advertisements and salespeople who take care of this part. Only, time changes and prospects evolve too. Technology has taken a very important place in everyday life. This is

Do you know the essential tools for digital prospecting? Lire la suite »

Smarketing: the alliance of the marketing and sales department

The marketing department and the sales department have two distinct functions requiring complementary skills in a company. The upstream work of the marketing department is one of the catalysts of sales. With this in mind, the technique of Smarketing is becoming more and more important in digital marketing. So, what is Smarketing and how to

Smarketing: the alliance of the marketing and sales department Lire la suite »