The managed SaaS solution that automates your prospecting

What if you switched to an automated French omnichannel platform to send more qualified leads to your sales people while saving time?

plateforme all in one automatise votre prospection avec simplicit

Managed platform

Don't waste hours prospecting
of companies without results

magileads simplifie la vie du marketeur

Magileads simplifies the marketer's life

Magileads is there to identify new qualified prospects likely to buy your products and services

With Magileads, identify your qualified prospects and awaken the relationship of your dormant contacts

Prospect, build loyalty and convert new customers with a simple and comprehensive omnichannel digital strategy

Provision of a dynamic database of French and international contacts


Omnichannel prospecting solution: Mail, LinkedIn, SMS, VMS


your contacts according to their degree of engagement (clicks, responses, content..)


automatically feeding your sales pipeline with qualified leads


thanks to the indicators measuring the performance of your campaigns

What if you switched to an automated French omnichannel platform to send more qualified leads to your sales people while saving time?

Are you spending a lot of energy on B2B prospecting campaigns that generate little ROI?

Low response rate to your emails. Disappointing click-through rate on your campaigns. Appointment bookings still too low and irregular. Insufficient commitment rate. We help you boost your metrics and generate a steady stream of qualified leads.

You know it's important to invest in several channels at once, but you don't have enough time to do it right?

You are not alone. Most marketers and salespeople are too overwhelmed to run successful omnichannel campaigns. With the Magileads solution, you create the automation that multiplies your opportunities and works for you.

Is your database outdated or not evolving much or is your engagement rate low?

What’s the point of creating great campaigns if they aren’t read by the people most likely to buy your products or services? With a database of over 20 million B2B contacts at your disposal, your messages get the visibility they deserve.

Do you want to automate more tasks without going through a complex platform with multiple features?

We understand this and to make your life easier, Magileads offers you a smarter approach to prospecting. Our platform is easy to use, which allows you to follow your results very easily.

Unified prospecting with access to

More than a platform, we are a team of experts in customer acquisition and retention based in France and at your service.
Our mission is to help you become better through human support, training programs
and useful educational content to complement our platform


Access to the platform
Omnichannel marketing


Provision of a dynamic contact database of French and international profiles


Socio-professional statistics reports


Analysis of your prospects' behaviors and responses in real time


Access to the PRM for monitoring
of your qualified prospects


Your campaigns taken care of by the Magileads project manager

Broadcast your message on the most efficient BtoB channels in a few clicks

By combining all digital acquisition channels, you can optimize your performance
for an optimal return on investment.


Emailing is now a strategic channel for acquiring new B2B prospects with a proven return on investment


Your prospects are all on Linkedin. Magileads helps you identify and animate them to create engagement

Ads Retargeting

Your presence on the networks and on Google is essential. Magileads allows you to automatically target prospects


SMS and VMS are the preferred channels to stimulate rapid engagement. Magileads gives you access to your prospects' phones

Discover Magileads

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Our customers say it best!

A demo is worth a thousand words

Don’t wait any longer to meet one of our acquisition and retention experts
to share your needs and see how our platform works.

Our latest blog posts

Our clients testify that they contact an average of 2,000 prospects per month. 30% average increase in the number of appointments.

Our clients testify


prospects contacted per month on average.


average increase in the number of appointments.


of time saved per salesperson on a daily basis.


of additional business productivity on average.

Our customers' opinion

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