Happy customers.

Make your customer feedback a powerful performance lever

Online platforms now make it increasingly easy for consumers to communicate their opinions on products and services from around the world. More and more buyers now rely on candid customer experience testimonials. So your customers have the potential to make or break your business. The time of “customer kings” is over, they are now gods.

So you can't just wait for good or bad reviews. proactively use customer feedback to help you improve your products and services. Some of the big companies that have understood this, like Apple and Amazon , have used customer feedback as a powerful lever to generate more profits and market share. Follow these tips to turn your customers into true ambassadors for your brand.

Ask your NPS the ultimate question

Start by asking your Net Promoter Score (NPS) : "How likely are you to recommend us to a friend or colleague?" . You will learn a lot about what works and what could be improved in your business. As a reminder, this score corresponds to your percentage of promoter customers minus your percentage of detractor customers.

You can use it for all your programs and events. The goal is not to have a fancy number to market your programs . Rather, it's about gaining valuable information on how you can improve. At the same time, find out who your ambassadors are . Even more, you will strengthen the impact of your programs and improve your relationships with your customers.

But don't rely solely on NPS to harness the power of your customers . The ultimate question may help you know a lot, but not enough to fully engage with them.

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Measure the impacts of what you do

Don't hesitate to ask your clients to rigorously evaluate your programs once they have completed them. Additionally, you can follow up a few months after the program ends, depending on your strategy. Then consider reconnecting with your customers to see if your product or service is still having an impact on them or their business.

This is part of an ongoing, well-established engagement strategy to ensure you deliver real results. You will thus know if your products or services are still useful to your customers when they are no longer with you.

The lesson here is to not use just one metric . Ask your customers as much and as often as possible what you do well and how you can improve. Then you won't be surprised to see their comments online, because you already know what they think.

Engage your customers and improve your products or services

It's a great start to know what customers think about every aspect of your business , as well as knowing who you can count on to be your ambassadors. But this is not enough. You need to act on your results , and quickly. Once you have enough information to know what your customers think, get to work improving your products and services .

Do many of your customers say the same thing about a product? If this is the case, immediately correct what can easily be corrected. If there are longer-term improvements to be implemented , do so without delay.

Is something working really well for you with a large portion of your customers? If so, keep doing good work and do what you can to improve it.

Also be sure to maintain your relationships. Take care of customers who are loyal and appreciate what you do. They may recommend your products or services to others or give you free advertising online . Talk to them, listen to what they have to say and give them preferential treatment.

Do the same with those who may not have had the best experience. Find out what went wrong and see how you can rectify the situation.

In summary, one of the most important things about running a business is staying in touch with your customers . This is absolutely crucial. Your brand is not what you think it is, it is what they think it is and what they say to each other.

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