Magileads is a software in SaS mode
to help with digital prospecting

Magileads is the most complete automated Email Marketing platform on the market.

It is used by many companies wishing to go digital, automate their actions and no longer use a multitude of complex tools in order to reduce their costs.
It is aimed at all companies thanks to our business modules and the interconnection of their tools

  • Corporate marketing departments and marketing agencies for lead generation
  • Digital agencies for acquiring traffic and new subscribers to their newsletters
  • Sales departments to generate business opportunities for their salespeople
  • The main organizers of trade fairs and events lack responsive files for registrations for their events
all in one platform automates your prospecting with simplicity


Automate your commercial prospecting – Automate lead generation

Our unique ''ALL-IN-ONE'' solution allows you to effectively prospect and generate leads and business opportunities from our qualified B2B database.

This solution offers you all the new generation digital tools such as lead nurturing, lead scoring, retargeting, statistics, predictive, PRM/CRM.

Our solution will allow you, through our file of B2B professionals, to select your core target and to schedule a sequence of messages and reminders by personalized emails (Lead nurturing).

We will send a first personalized email using dynamic variables and automatically detect the people who reacted to your message:

  • Those who read your messages
  • Those who click on a link
  • Those who download an attached document
  • Those who respond directly to your emails
  • Those who visit your website, the pages they consult and the time they spend there (retargeting) in order to send them a personalized reminder message which will be adapted according to their reactions to the message received or the visit to your site .

Thanks to our real-time analysis statistics, if the message sent is partially unsuitable for the understanding of your prospects, it will be entirely possible to modify it in the right direction.

Throughout the campaign, you will find socio-professional statistics of people who have interacted on the email: what is their geographical area, what is the prospect's function, their sector of activity, the company's turnover, its workforce, etc.

This will allow you to dynamically re-create a new list corresponding to your core target.

At the end of the campaign, you will be able to retrieve the list of people interested in your offers and/or find them in our PRM/CRM dedicated to your reminders and thus program new automated actions.

Thanks to our intelligent algorithms, we sort and store in this PRM/CRM the responses of your prospects, sorted by business opportunities.

Features of the Magileads SaaS tool


Who are you looking for?

Enter the function of your contacts to search in the search bar

Folder which brings together the search function and your contact lists

Find all of your contact lists

Directory of all your lists

Find all of your saved email templates

Configure your emails.
Adding your contact list and selecting the sending day is done in the next step

Find all of your scenario models

A scenario is used to nest your different email templates together in order to create automatic sequences and increase the engagement rate of your prospects.

We invite you to create your email templates beforehand.

Find all of your scheduled emails
Associate your email template with your contact list to send

Email editor
Find all of your emailing statistics
PRM – Prospect Relationship Management

Like a CRM, the PRM allows you to follow the progress of current business with your prospects
Select the folder in which you wish to manage the contacts


Use your built-in calendar to track all your daily tasks

Find all your sender emails

Verify a domain to use it as a “sender” when sending
Authenticate your domain to increase the deliverability of your emails


Add your Calendly API key to automate appointment bookings.
Once your API key has been validated, you will be able to select the “Calendly appointment taken” / “Calendly appointment not taken” events in the scenarios.

Find all of your contacts excluded during sending

Import the contacts you want to eject when sending

Find all of your saved contact forms

You can modify, save and create contact forms that will be used for your emails

Find all of your saved landing pages

You can edit, save and create landing pages

Find all of your signatures

Configure your email signatures

Find your entire team

You can create members inside your sales team or join an already created team. Share your PRM files among your members.

Reseller area

Become a reseller and get commissioned on sales made

Purchase of credits


If needed, we are available on 09 86 35 85 08
Find all your contacts to relaunch

Contacts to restart


Use your built-in calendar to track all your daily tasks

My Affiliation clients
My prospects
My Documents
My bills
My networks
My statistics emailing-software
https: // -nurturing
https ://
https: // -commerciale-cnil e
https: //

They use our B2B prospecting tool