emailing 5 copywriting techniques to boost your opening rate

Emailing: 5 copywriter techniques to boost your open rate

Email marketing is an effective prospecting lever. According to statistics, the ROI in emailing is 28.5% (Chief Marketing). Ease, speed and flexibility: these are the words that describe its advantages. Marketing automation tools, whose number has been growing lately, have a lot to do with this. Nevertheless, the biggest challenge for businesses remains finding the best way to increase the open rate of their campaign.

A good number of entrepreneurs complain about having a very low click-through rate (CTR) compared to the opening of sent emails. Which is a problem, because if your readers or subscribers ignore your emails, there's no chance they'll take action. This means that the game is over for you and you will not be able to convert them into customers.

To write a successful email marketing, copywriting is the solution. This art allows you to persuade your reader with powerful words, rational arguments, and emotions to take action. If your copywriting is good, it will allow you to create a strong link with your audience, improve your KPIs and even boost your conversion rate.

Today, we are going to reveal 5 copywriter techniques that will boost your open rate. Follow us to the end!

1 – Don’t talk about yourself

A marketing mistake to avoid is touting your product or service. Of course, you can highlight your offer in your email, but you shouldn't use too commercial an approach . For example, if you're talking to a prospect, talk about your prospect! Remember that by opening your email, your prospect expects a precise answer to a question . This implies that you must quickly offer him the information he is looking for.

Indeed, a person does not buy because he understands your product or service, but because he feels understood. You need to make your prospect feel that you understand them and that you are able to meet their needs. Add a little human touch to your email to show them that you understand not only their needs, but also their pain and suffering. To do this, you can use empathy marketing . This means that you have to play on the emotion of your reader through the message you want to convey to him.

By following you, your prospect expects to find added value . If you just rehash your paid offers, you risk losing it. You must have a particularity that will allow you to stand out . What is your impact on your prospect's business? Why should they choose you over someone who offers the same product or service? Be sure to answer these questions before launching your email campaign . And finally, don't forget to offer him your best tips and valuable advice to help him achieve his goals.

2 – Mention of short-term profit

In an Inbound Marketing approach, you have probably already set up your persona . This will allow you to better understand your audience: their interests, concerns, challenges and reading habits.

So you need to think about adapting your content to your persona . This way, you will be able to adapt your message, as well as your emailing strategy . The more you offer the information they are looking for, the more your message will be received.

This implies that at first glance, you need to grab your reader's attention and arouse their curiosity. In the subject line of your message, show your prospect that you can help. Tell them what they'll earn quickly by buying your offer. For example, if the reader is looking for a way to optimize the SEO of his website, you can already announce your solution in the subject of the email: “Add our plugin to your website to boost your SEO”.

Of course, this is just one example, but there are so many ways to grab the attention of your target audience… And the best method is to directly mention a short-term benefit that may be of interest to your reader.

3 – Insert variables in your object

Customize the subject of your email

For a successful email campaign , you need to personalize your messages. You need to design a unique email for each recipient. Indeed, there are many personalization techniques, but the most common is surely the insertion of the name of subscribers in the messages to be sent.

Personalization variables or “ merge tags ” or “ placeholders” allow you to personalize your email. Indeed, personalized emails make it possible to:

  • distinguish itself from other shippers;
  • generate an efficient opening rate;
  • Increase the engagement of your contacts;
  • communicate directly to your prospects;
  • Save time and resources by inserting different information for each recipient in a single shipment.

The personalization of an emailing campaign can be done in the subject of the email, in the sender field and also in the body of the email. But it's best to focus on the subject of the email first, because that's the first thing your reader will see before opening, or not, your message.

Use a dynamic variable in the subject line of your email

This task is quite easy to do, on Qualifio manager for example, you just have to follow the steps set out below:

  • Go to the “Subject” field of your email;
  • Press “Insert dynamic variable”, located under the “Message” field;
  • Click on the desired variable – and it will be displayed in the “Message” field;
  • Copy and paste into the “Subject” field.

The majority of emailing tools offer this feature. However, you should know that the use of a dynamic variable in the subject of an email can be different on Sendinblue or MailChimp, for example. In case of blocking, we advise you to consult their online help center to tell you what to do.

Examples of customization variables

Each personalization field has its own variable. You can simply add the variable for the information you want to personalize where you want it to appear in your message.

Example :

Let's take this initial text: (Hello_FirstName_ , …)

When we send the message, the _First Name_ variable will be replaced by the first name of each recipient automatically (Ex: Hello Lise ,).

Thus, each email you send will be personalized with the data of each subscriber.

The different types of personalization fields

To personalize your emails, you can use the data saved in the regular and personalized fields of your contacts.

Regular fields

There are exactly 9 regular fields you can use to personalize your messages:

  • E-mail;
  • Forename;
  • Name;
  • Enterprise;
  • Gender (to introduce a greeting, eg Mr., Mrs.);
  • Zip code;
  • Date of birth;
  • Country;
  • Tongue.

Custom fields

The number of custom fields you can access depends on your plan. But in all, it is possible to create between 5 and 30 custom fields , all of which can be used to personalize your messages:

  • Text;
  • Date;
  • Integer;
  • Decimal.

Need a marketing automation solution to carry out your emailing campaign? Contact us .

4 – Challenge your recipient in the subject line

In your personalized message , you address your recipient (prospect or customer). Instead of bragging about your expertise, talk about them and their issues to get their attention.

The opening rate depends on the length of the subject of the email. Whether in cold gold emailing warm emailing, the subject of the email plays a decisive role. It determines whether or not the recipient will open the email they just received. In our experience, subject lines in emails that are less than 25 characters tends to generate many more opens. It is therefore important to keep it short, clear and concise.

We once launched an email campaign that was a success! The purpose of the campaign was very simple: “How is your prospecting going?” ". And in the body of the email, tips and advice were offered to the reader as solutions to his problems.

The performance of this campaign was astonishing with an open rate of 36%. Which leads us to say that engaging your prospect, talking about them, and focusing on their needs works wonders.

As we said earlier in this article, it is always advisable to attract the attention of your reader at first glance…

5 – A/B test your email subjects

A/B testing is a common technique when it comes to optimizing email marketing. This technique involves sending two versions of the same email (version A and version B) to a sample of your email list. The version that generates the best statistics will then be sent to the remaining contacts. This method allows you to measure the performance of your email campaign and its return on investment.

To do an A/B testing , several methods are possible. For example, if you want to boost your open rate , you can do a test with:

  • Two different objects
  • Two different sender names
  • Two different “preheaders”

How can Magileads help you?

To increase the opening rate of your email campaign, you can opt for the Magileads solution.

We offer a complete technological base that allows sales teams to conduct an emailing campaign in a simple, fast and effective way. To do this, we offer:

  • an up-to-date BtoB database of 20 million contacts;
  • personalization tools;
  • A/B testing tools.

And that's not all! Thanks to our omnichannel platform, you can also invest in other prospecting channels such as LinkedIn, SMS or VMS, Retargeting Ads…

Want to know more about our services? Take a look at our online demo .

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