
A copywriter in front of his computer

Copywriting: how to create words that persuade consumers?

Every entrepreneur has their own way of convincing a customer to buy . Everyone regularly publishes content that demonstrates their qualifications and experiences in sales. However, their level of success is not the same. If one does better than the other, it’s because they use words that persuade and make you want to buy . This is what marketers call “Copywriting” . This is a huge topic, but the important points to add value to your texts will be mentioned below.

What is copywriting?

Copywriting is one of the marketing strategies aimed at generating conversions and sales . Among other things, it is a strategy for creating content that persuades customers to take some action. More precisely, the entrepreneur must ensure that the published texts lead his audience to purchase a product or service.

An entrepreneur with a website must know at least the basics of copywriting. Or, he will have to hire a professional responsible for writing his content, called a “copywriter” . The latter must be able to write all types of content such as emails, blogs, catalogs, etc. Whether the entrepreneur likes to sell or change the world, targeted writing can be a powerful lever .

Identify your target audience

The first rule of copywriting is to identify your target audience. Indeed, you should not try to please everyone. The best thing is to please a certain number of people who are really interested in your offer . Thus, inspiration will come directly during writing as soon as the profile of your ideal client is clearly determined.

To do this, the editor must keep in mind the profile of his target audience each time he writes a word for his article. In this case, it must use language that this target can understand and approve of . The writer must also be able to show in his text that he understands the point of view of his reader. Above all, you have to help him solve his problems . In short, there must be a deep connection between the potential client and the copywriter .

Take care and target the title

The first sentence of an article is always the “title” . The role of the latter is to encourage the reader to read the next sentence, then the one after that, and so on. In this case, the editor must provide an impactful title to make you want to continue reading the entire article.

Bob Bly, a marketer, created a formula called the “4U Formula” for writing effective headlines.

  • Useful: the title must present a benefit to the reader.
  • Urgency: the reader must feel an urgency to read the text.
  • Unique: show the reader that the article announces something new.
  • Ultra-specific: make the reader believe that the article is intended for them.

However, a title does not necessarily have to contain all of these criteria at the same time. The main thing is that it generates curiosity in the reader . Here are examples of an impactful start to an article:

· " How to … " ;

· “The top 10 of…”;

· “The steps to…effectiveness”;

· “The secrets of”…

Talk about a specific problem

In the article, you must clearly describe a problem that the reader might encounter and provide appropriate solutions. At the same time, you must introduce your service into this solution and justify why you should choose this service instead of another.

To be effective in writing, you must use the language of the reader . How does the latter describe his problems? How does he react to it? What is their sensitive point? To get the answers to your questions, it is possible to browse competing websites. Next, look at reader comments on forums and articles that cover the same topic.

Speak briefly and clearly

Writing is meant to express , not to impress. That said, you should avoid using complicated words in your article. Indeed, the objective is to establish a connection with the reader instead of displaying one's literary performances. It is necessary to always write briefly and clearly so that the message is well understood by your audience.

Often, it's the first simple word that comes to mind that works best to convince your audience. The writer must then write naturally . To do this, he will have to read from time to time in order to enrich his vocabulary.

In short, for effective and understandable writing, you must:

  • avoid jargon and clichés;
  • be clear and concise;
  • connect your paragraphs well with logical connectors and start a new one with each new idea;
  • write in the active voice and be direct.

The secret to good writing is brevity . There is therefore no point in using convoluted speeches and long sentences. All you need to do is write something that is useful and meaningful .

Improve your sales text

In writing, you should not focus on the characteristics of a product, but on the advantages it provides . To persuade, it is essential to emphasize how the product or service can be important to the reader . The latter must see themselves using the product presented before they buy it.

As in the title, the reader must be reminded of the rarity of the product and how urgent it is to buy it. Then, it is essential to prove its qualities using the opinions of those who have already used it. This is because it increases brand credibility and improves consumer trust .

Furthermore, it is necessary to talk about the different objections that the reader might have in the text. Then, anticipate your decision by offering a solid product guarantee. This can remove the doubts and probable reluctance of the customer which arises before his purchase. The prospect will then have peace of mind knowing that if the product did not suit them, they can request a refund later. Thus, a relationship of trust will automatically be created between the customer and the brand.

To conclude, copywriting is a good methodology for selling your products. However, success depends on how a business uses it. Regardless, the basic principles of writing have already been stated above. It is then up to editors to apply them wisely.

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