
Prospect automatically on LinkedIn
Multi-user and multi-account solution

Generate new qualified leads. Develop your business. Increase your notoriety safely.

Our suite of B2B lead generation software allows you to find B2B leads and create quality lists of ideal prospects such as executives, decision makers and company management.


How to find new leads in our database
Using our search tools, this will allow you to view and download new leads.

    Consult among more than 21 million prospects from French companies and 300 million contacts worldwide.

Enrich: Automate visits and connection requests on the LinkedIn social network!

Get contacts and company information from multiple sources

Do you want to enrich your CRM?

       Find qualified leads with key information like email, first name, job title, industry, and company name

Collect your prospect files

Collect information on the LinkedIn social network.

The social network LinkedIn is an incredible source of information.
Get this information the way you want it 

       From a B2B social media search, collect emails even if they don't appear on their profiles.

Send your campaigns

Integrate your active LinkedIn account and mailboxes in seconds and create automated LinkedIn invite and/or email sequences

Send newsletters or cold emails (drip until recipients respond).

Prospect through email and the LinkedIn network through prospecting/newsletter sequences (cadence)

Prospect by email and on the B2B LinkedIn network automatically.

Integrate your email inboxes and LinkedIn accounts in seconds and create unlimited automated email sequences.

    Send emails without any limits

     Track responses from your prospects.

       Connect your email and LinkedIn account for efficient work.

      Prospect automatically by email and on Linkedin .

What exactly is LinkedIn?

the most used prospecting channel today

LinkedIn is a professional social network !
It works the same as Facebook except that its network (and not its “friends”) searches for professional content and exchanges.

LinkedIn has 610 million members worldwide, 16 million in France (i.e. half of the active population and a
growth of 2 new members per second!), hence the importance of this network.

To finally convince you that LinkedIn is essential:

Design the foundations for effective LinkedIn prospecting

First step, it's like everything, you need solid foundations! THE


The first point of contact on LinkedIn is their profile and company page, so it is essential to work on them well in order to make the visitor to your page want to know more.

And yes, it works a bit like a website! But it takes much less time to create .

How to optimize your LinkedIn profile for BtoB prospecting?

Personalization of the Linkedin URL

It's essential to personalize your LinkedIn profile address (URL) to avoid a bunch of numbers in your URL. Prefer a URL that ends with first-last name.

For what ?

This little manipulation allows you to be better referenced on Google, your profile will appear more effectively in the results when you type your first name, last name or even company.

It also shows that you are comfortable with this social network and that you are used to using it, which can reassure your interlocutor.

As explained a little above, LinkedIn is not Facebook. It is not possible to put a profile photo of your dog, goldfish or a great selfie with friends!

For you to convey the right message, you need a professional photo that looks like you and makes you want to get in touch with you.

I recommend Photofeeler to test your photos and find out if you are in the right mood.

The cover photo

  • Still around the “photo” theme, you should not neglect the cover photo (or also called banner), because it also depends on the message you want to convey and the first impression you give. It is important that this element is consistent with your activity and consistent with the (professional) image that you wish to convey.

The title of your Linkedin profile

An evocative title! Located below
your First Name/Last Name, you must highlight in around ten words what
drives you.
Please note, this is not where you should put your function, but rather what you do (#'s are welcome).

For example, I put on my profile “I help companies reach or even
exceed their turnover #DevCo #automation”

optimize your linkedin profile


First section visible to visitors to your page, it's time
to make a difference!

Tell a story, highlight your differences and your strengths ;).
If you use humor well, it's time to have fun without forgetting the
key word: stay professional !

Linkedin profile optimization - 2

Professional experiences

Very important section when looking for a new job, but also essential
in prospecting.

Here, I advise you to include at least your last 3 significant experiences
of your job titles each time so that they
are clear and best represent your functions.
It is also a good idea to describe your missions to allow the visitor to project themselves into
your experience.

The recommendations

Last recommendation for optimizing your profile:
recommendations Do n't
hesitate to ask those around you, your colleagues, superiors or even
clients to write you a recommendation.
This humanizes your profile and gives confidence!

I strongly recommend the ResumeWorded which will
allow you to take a step back from your profile by pointing out the improvements to
be made.

It's good, you're ready, your profile is activated now you need to
switch it to expert mode!
To do this, you must prepare your cartridges and not fire blindly.

How to organize your prospecting on LinkedIn?

You have an optimized LinkedIn profile and you are now in the
starting blocks to start prospecting!

But where to start ?

How to do it ?

You just have to ask ! 

We will see in a few steps how to optimize prospecting on

What is Social Selling?

First of all, you need to understand what social selling and
what the challenges are.

The basic definition is as follows: social selling is
the process of using social networks in the
sales process.
For BtoB, the essential player is, you understand, LinkedIn!
LinkedIn represents an infinite hunting ground and allows you
connect with multiple profiles all over the world.

If you put in place a real strategy for extending your network so that it
corresponds to your expectations and needs, the community aspect is
then consolidated.
Clearly, the ideal is not to accept everyone so that this network is
as powerful as physical networks and allows for profitable connections
in terms of business.

Define and find your targets

First step: Personas

The first step, and NEVER neglected , regardless of the prospecting channel
used, is the definition of your personas.

Take the time to think about your personas, they have become
essential and are an integral part of the company's strategy.

Tell yourself that there is no point in starting to prospect if you don't know
WHO to prospect!
Your prospecting will fall like a bellows and you will say to yourself that it is still a sword in the water.

If this notion is not entirely clear, I invite you to
consult our article on the definition
of personas .

Second step: find your targets

And this is no easy feat! 

16 million profiles! 

But how do you find those who match your personas?

Two methods are possible: one free and one paid.

We have written a guide
to Linkedin research which we
summarize for you here:

Classic Linkedin filters

For the free version, simply go to your LinkedIn account
and in the search bar select “People” and then click on
“all filters”.
This method remains limited and does not allow for high-quality research , but it has the merit of existing and allows everyone to be
able to do an initial sorting.

linkedin search filter

linkedin-2 search filter


Sales Navigator

Concerning the paid method, the easiest to use is the one
offered directly by LinkedIn: Sales Navigator .

Thanks to a monthly subscription, you have access to the 1st/2nd and 3rd
degree profiles of your network.
Numerous filters are available to segment the search as precisely as possible.

PLEASE NOTE  : with Sales Navigator you must differentiate between
declarative filters and deductive filters.

Some filters like job title or company name are
declarative, because then we are sure that this data is reliable.

On the other hand, the hierarchical level is deductive.
LinkedIn search
algorithm hierarchical level, which implies a greater margin of error!

I strongly advise you, if you have not already done so, to take advantage of the
free trial month to familiarize yourself with the tool and see if it
meets your expectations.

Structuring your prospecting on LinkedIn

The final step is to think about how to contact prospects
on LinkedIn. To do this, you must answer these three questions:

  • What is my goal? I see you
    coming, you are going to tell me “let the prospect become a customer!!”
    No, here you have to ask yourself why you are contacting this type of prospect,
    what are you going to bring to them, why it would be good for you to collaborate?
  • What messages will I send to him?
  • At what pace? That is, how many messages
    will my prospect receive and how often?

There are no right or wrong answers, I can just advise you
and give you some examples regarding the messages and the cadence, because
regarding the objective only you can answer this question according to
your expectations.

The 3 steps to get in touch with your prospects

At Sales Odyssey, we recommend sending two LinkedIn messages
(called InMail), but doing three prospecting steps. Let me explain :

  • Step 1: Sending the connection request.
  • Step 2: sending the first InMail (if the prospect has of course
    accepted the connection).
    This InMail should make the prospect want to know more about your business.
    You must succeed in making the link between him, his activity and you.
    We must never forget to provide value!
  • Step 3: sending a reminder InMail.
    This message should be short and ask for a response, it could be written like this: “Hello {Firstname},
    I hope you are well!
    Did you have time to read my previous message? Kind regards, Gaëlle”

Inmail prospecting linkedin

Concerning the cadence , we recommend leaving 7 days between
step 1 and step 2, because this allows maximum time for
prospects to accept the connection request, and 3 days between step 2
and step 3. The last message being short and clear, it does not require
any other answer than yes or no.

That's it, you are ready, all the lights are green to launch a
well-constructed, thoughtful prospection that will inevitably bear fruit!

Prospect on Linkedin!

Perhaps you want to contact a large number of people and
in these cases you say to yourself “She’s very nice Gaëlle, but I’m going to
waste a lot of time contacting everyone and also respecting a

I completely agree, but one thing must be said:

Prospecting, whatever it may be, takes time!
Especially if we want the feedback to be effective.

But don't panic, there are a few little techniques to save time

Automate your commercial prospecting on LinkedIn

In view of the growth that LinkedIn is taking on a daily basis, a multitude of tools
have begun to be released in order to automate the sending of messages to LinkedIn profiles
selected to be contacted.
It is possible to use Linked Helper or even Dux Soup for example, but technically this is not authorized
by LinkedIn, the social network's algorithms generally end up
detecting them.

It’s a real game of cat and mouse that’s taking place!

The advantage of these tools is that they save time!
They also offer the possibility of personalizing certain categories such as first name, last name, or
company in messages.

WARNING : you must not
do anything!
When using automation, you must not fall into the quantity trap.
But always be in this spirit of a real construction of strategic and qualitative prospecting.

Internal resources

Depending on how many of you are in the company, don't
hesitate to ask the teams!

We can never say it enough, but the separation between marketing and
sales is now over.
We must therefore provide synergy, because the objective is always the same, to gain new leads
in order to achieve or even exceed the objectives in terms of turnover

So ask your colleagues if they would like to start
LinkedIn prospecting.
The salesperson of course retains responsibility for responding to prospects, but many will be motivated to work as a team
on defining personas, searching for prospects, writing
messages or even defining the cadence.

Other prospecting channels

I insist on the fact that it is essential to combine several
prospecting channels in order to obtain an appointment.
After the LinkedIn stage, you should not hesitate to send emails and call prospects.
The more touchpoints , the higher your conversion rate will be.

I hope that this article has enlightened you on how to prospect on
LinkedIn effectively and above all that it will allow you to achieve your

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6 Steps to optimize your Linkedin profile

Increase your visibility on LinkedIn

Don't forget, we don't lose the objective: to obtain more customers!
We need to make ourselves known, and the upstream process is the same as for
physical prospecting.

Content: the keystone of your visibility strategy

"Elementary my dear Watson !"
because yes, to be visible you have to be seen and for that, on LinkedIn, you have to create content.
This content can be distributed via written posts or video posts.
The topics can be varied, but they must remain consistent with your image, your
company, your sector of activity and your objectives for using
(Here, establish professional relationships with your future clients and partners).

Even if you have an inbound marketing strategy with lots of content,
remember that it is essential for LinkedIn to favor what is called
native content !
That is, content that does not require the user to leave LinkedIn to view it.

Prefer quality LinkedIn content rather than quantity!

Again, an obvious one, but you shouldn't publish content for the sake of publishing
content. Your reputation is at stake!

The goal is to seduce your audience.
The people who follow you must want to watch your news feed and learn things
that concern their profession, their sector of activity or even their network.

In order not to repeat it, I will directly link you to
the excellent infographic . It very accurately summarizes how to
create quality content.

And quickly, for those who are lacking inspiration, here
are examples of themes:

  • Post photos or short videos of events you attend
  • Publish posts on your company blog articles
  • To give advice
  • Make explanatory videos about your products/services
  • Stories from the daily life of your business
  • Give your opinion on news from your sector of activity

 Interact on other users’ LinkedIn content

As with any social network, it is possible – and here even strongly
recommended – to interact with your network via shares, reactions, comments

This has several advantages:

  1. We always remain with this same strategy of providing quality content
    If you share articles or videos that help your audience learn or stay informed, they will always pay
    more attention to your actions on LinkedIn.
  2. This shows that you do not rest on what you have learned, that you are
    always looking for new information and therefore want to be an
    expert in your field.
    Curiosity, here, is not a bad fault, quite the contrary!
  3. Share, like, comment, allow you to interact with your network in a
    constructive way.
    For example, you can directly tag people in article comments if you think it
    concerns them.
    You can also like a post from someone in your network, which shows that you think what they are saying makes sense.
    This helps build a relationship and shows that you have things in
  4. You can expand your network!
    If you interact with posts , the authors may in turn be interested in your content.