
B2B contact base
Prospect more than 20 million
B2B professionals!

B2B contact database

We provide you with a B2B database of 15 million B2B contacts, named with the contact's function in the company .

Start by targeting your prospects who correspond to your core target using ultra-precise filters: You can select the person's function in the company, sector of activity, location, workforce, NAF codes, Turnover, Name, First Name, Title etc…

Our B2B contact base is made up of data collected on the web from more than 20 file sources of qualified professionals, then it is aggregated and structured according to unique know-how by our intelligent algorithms.

Our B2B database is made up of executives, decision-makers, managers and business leaders (managers, directors, managers, HR, sales, purchasing, etc.)

Our company and professional databases are populated with email, telephone, siret, naf, CA, etc.

When you carry out prospecting campaigns for companies or their managers and decision-makers in the company by email then by telephone (phoning), having a targeted prospecting file is mandatory.

Provision of our B2B contact database

Magileads offers you the use of its regularly updated database for this commercial prospecting purpose.

You can then select the profiles which best correspond to your potential customers (core target), and thus, you can contact them regularly by automated emails in order to offer them your offers, your services or your news and thus create with them a real commercial relationship (nurtuting).

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You can target more than 10 fields.